LATEST NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS -*- Online Incubation Application Process



EngSUI is an Initiative of Engineers India Limited under the Honourable Prime Minister’s flagship programme of Startup India. EngSUI is intended to build the eco-system for encouraging Startups in India. EIL has taken up a mission based on this Government's vision to empower this Startup revolution in India through Incubation, Cultivation and Fostering of worthy Ideas.


Energy is the lifeblood of the nation. With the growing demand for energy projected in the years to come, StartUps giving innovative solutions in the field of energy is a need of the hour. Besides the support of the policymakers and the industry, support of the academia is also crucial for startup entrepreneurs and the Incubation Centres at various academic Institutes perform a vital role on this front. EngSUI seeks to channel start-up projects through the network of incubation centres functioning successfully at leading academic institutions like the IITs.

EngSUI, the StartUp India initiative by Engineers India reflects this commitment to encourage in every way possible innovation, disruption, and technological breakthroughs in the oil & gas sector. The objective of the scheme is to stimulate, foster and enhance strategic research and innovation capabilities in the oil & gas industry for addressing its short-term needs and building a sustainable ecosystem as a long-term goal. While an initial list of focus areas has been identified to provide initial direction and fillip to this initiative, these are by no means exclusive and innovative ideas in other areas that result in spin-off benefits to the oil & gas sector would be equally welcome.

Areas of Interest

EIL intends to create an enabling system for promoting the “Start Up India (SUI)” initiative through

  • Offering Intellectual support
  • Offering Infrastructural support
  • Offering Financial Support

EIL encourages Start Ups to take up projects in the following areas, under this EngSUI program:

  • Developing capability to commercially manufacture and supply hardware for oil & gas technologies.
  • Developing new process/technology in areas of interest to the hydrocarbon sector
  • Information Technology (IT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) interventions of relevance to the hydrocarbon sector
  • Other Areas like: Lube packaging, Renewable energy and storage, Nano materials, Engineering plastic from petrochemicals product slate, Replacement of raw material/catalyst, Waste to energy, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)

Application Process

Applications are invited from registered Host Institutions/Incubation Centres (not directly from applicants) in two categories of programmes:

Innovation Challenge programme: This model fosters innovation in line with the PRISM model of DST. PRISM (Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Startups and MSMEs)

Under this programme typically a grant is given to the Innovation Challenge proposal through registered Host Institutions/Incubation Centres. The project processing and monitoring shall be done by the Host Institutions/Incubation Centres themselves under an established set of guidelines. The Host Institutions/incubation centres shall provide the start-up space, mentoring, and access to all facilities available at IIT/NITs. The output from these projects is expected to be the generation of a successful prototype. In case the project is found to have significant potential for successful commercialization, it can seek further funding under the next category i.e. Start Up (Seed Funding).

Start-up (Seed Funding): These are next-level start-up programmes wherein the funding is given to a Start-up entity who have successfully demonstrated proof of concept with the support of any government institution or agency.

In these programmes, Host Institutions/Incubation Centres provide training to start-ups for IP, Law, Taxation, finance and safety compliance, advertising & branding, exhibition, etc. The Host Institutions/incubation centre also helps in the promotion of product development, manpower supply and mentorship during the entire programme. The effort is to bring this product/project to a level good for commercialisation after which this can attract capital for investment.

Methodology for EngSUI

Applications received from Startups for funding under EngSUI will be screened by a committee. The following broad guidelines will apply

  • The rights for the selection of projects to be funded under EngSUI will be reserved with Engineers India Limited only.
  • Any IP rights generated in the course of the project being funded by EngSUI will be shared on mutually agreed terms between Host Institutions/incubation centre, EIL and Startup entity.
  • Startups will be required to give undertakings that, if their project is chosen for funding under EngSUI, they will not seek fund for the same project from any other sponsor

Mechanism for funding

A) Eligibility Criteria for Innovation Challenge proposals:

Scheme A: Proof of Concept/ Prototypes/ Models

Maximum support is limited to Rs. 2 Lakhs per proposal or 100% of the total proposal cost whichever is lower

Any Resident Indian citizen including student innovator can avail support to develop their novel idea into demonstrable models/prototypes.

Scheme B: Fabrication of working model/process know-how/ testing and trial/patenting/technology transfer etc.

Maximum support is limited to Rs. 20 Lakhs per proposal or 100% of the total proposal cost whichever is lower.

Any Resident Indian citizen having innovative ideas

B) Eligibility Criteria for Start Up (Seed Fund) proposals:

Maximum support is limited to Rs. 1 Crores per proposal or 100% of the total project cost, whichever is lower. The support may be provided for scaling up technology-based innovations, including patenting/design registration/trademark registry/ technology transfer to develop a marketable product/process towards enterprise creation.

Start-up entities who have successfully demonstrated proof of concept with the support of any government institutions or agency.

Selection Procedure:

Following selection, procedure shall be followed by EIL for funding of the projects under its “EngSUI” Programme:

  • Receipt of Start-up proposals through the Host Institutions/Incubation centres registered with EIL
  • Eligibility screening of proposals as per the above eligibility criteria
  • Evaluation and Shortlisting of proposals. All the proposals eligible as per Para (b) above shall be evaluated on the following parameters and marks will be averaged against each parameter.
S. No Criteria Maximum Marks
A The content of the proposal 25
B Relevance to Focus Area 25
C Innovative Content 25
D Relevance to EIL’s Business or Society 25
Total Marks 100
  • The averaged minimum total marks for qualification is 60, for a proposal for Start-up funding, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.
  • In addition, for each S. No (A) i.e. “The content of the proposal” and S. No (C) i.e. “Innovative Content”, the minimum marks for qualification must be greater than or equal to 15.

Execution Methodology

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) shall be signed with the Host Institution / Incubation Centre.
  • Project-specific Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) detailing the scope, schedule, payment terms etc. for each approved project shall be signed with the Host Institution / Incubation Centre.
  • Disbursement of funds shall commence as per project progress linked payment milestones specified in the MoA
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